Hi, my name is Timo
Welcome to my website!

<About art, life & web design />

This website is my portfolio, photo album and blog. When I say "my", I mean of course "our", since none of this would have happened without my wife Kiti favorite and my children Eero, Elsa, Emilia and Laura favorite favorite favorite favorite

This site is (and will always be) under construction. But I promise to update my drawings, our holiday photos and maybe even some web development tips. So stay tuned!

I have been drawing as long as I can remember. Back in the 60s, there were not so many toys to play with, but I always had pencils and paper... and comics... but that was BEFORE the music really hit me!

Let there be Classic Rock! We had a standard four-piece configuration: vocalist, electric guitarist, bass guitarist (me), and a drummer. If only one influence could be mentioned, it would be Led Zeppelin.

This section is about Good Food, GOOD WINES, Good Friends and GOOD TIMES! There is no place like home, except holidays in the sun!

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Down By The Seaside. "Wherever I Lay My Letters (That's My Home)"

The WEB-section is all about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript Frameworks, Responsive Web Design and lessons I have learned during my 30 years in programming business.

I made this website with Materialize CSS open_in_new and PhotoSwipe open_in_new as an example how content adapts to different screen sizes (or devices), just resize the browser window and see!